“Slap her" // Children's Reactions

What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women.
What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women.
When she became pregnant at age 16, she knew she had three choices: 1) become a parent, 2) have an abortion, and 3) put the baby up for adoption.
The best moment for any filmmaker is being there for a subject's authentic, vulnerable emotional moment. When they speak what they know & their information or opinion carries weight because the full force of their experience and heart is in it, we know we have found what we are looking for.
The Kid President welcomes all of the new babies to the world and in the process makes some seriously profound remarks about life as a grown-up. We could all learn a little something…
This is adorable...be sure to watch to the end! :)