Entries in Mom (6)


Amazed by His Grace // Brooke's Story

Brooke believed there was a God—she believed He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross—but she didn’t want anything to do with Him. That’s because she’d been sexually abused for about a year when she was eight. So she turned to drugs, alcohol—anything to prove just how much she hated God.

In the midst of her rebellion against God, Brooke’s mom invited her to Revive Our Hearts’ True Woman '12 Conference. She didn’t want to go, but what teenage girl can turn down the offer of free shopping? So she agreed to come.

Brooke was disengaged—arms folded, ears closed—until Joni Eareckson Tada wheeled out on stage and sang “Amazing Grace” during the very last conference session. That’s when it hit her. Here was someone else who went through so much, and yet still believed that God loved her.

See more stories here!


My Beautiful Woman

She looks like an everyday mom, but she’s not.


Mom's Hands

Close your eyes. Go on. Now, picture your mom’s hands? Can you do it? What do you see?


Kevin Durant's Mom

Kevin Durant cried during his MVP acceptance speech. When you hear why, you will too.

So, we’re pretty pumped that Kevin Durant won the NBA’s coveted MVP award. This beautiful and humble speech pretty much says it all


Mother Saves Vehicle

Their SUV was rolling toward a cliff and mom proves to be a hero!

These two girls tell a harrowing story bit by bit. What their mom sacrificed to save these kids is astonishing and full of compassion and grace. I’m still trying to get my head around it.


Mother's Day 2014

This Sunday is Mother's Day... enjoy these two videos! I love you Mom!!

Of 2.7 million people who saw a job posting by a Boston agency for a 'director of operations' position, just 24 applied. That's likely because of the brutal requirements.


Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the ordinary details of life and forget that motherhood is a miraculous and powerful institution with eternal significance. Be brave, moms. Carry on.