Two Hats addresses the subject of foreign missions, highlighting the ministry of Brad and Deborah Wells, along with their 7 children in Papua New Guinea. Brad started the country’s first Christian radio station in 2000 and is now reaching 50,000+ listeners per day.
Movie Rating: Family Friendly Movie Trailer:Click Here Movie Website: Click Here
Disclaimer:Please note that some of the films listed may be too intense or contain other content that would not be appropriate for younger ages. I am also aware that everyone has unique standards and guidlines for their own families. Please take the time to examine these films and I hope the "Content Review" links will be helpful. Lastly, in case anyone is wondering, no the movies are not listed in any particular order.
Everywhere we go we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or a virtual prison? Should we be celebrating unreservedly or should we be cautious and skeptical? Is it the greatest leap in productivity or the biggest setback from the things most meaningful in life?
Has today’s connectivity drawn us closer to one another or strangely more disjointed? Is our social experience richer and deeper or more shallow and artificial? Is it all of these things or none of them?
Discover insightful answers to these questions from media experts, church leaders, and inspiring individuals and families from across the country. Most importantly you’ll discover how God’s word addresses the unique media challenges we face today.
Disclaimer:Please note that some of the films listed may be too intense or contain other content that would not be appropriate for younger ages. I am also aware that everyone has unique standards and guidlines for their own families. Please take the time to examine these films and I hope the "Content Review" links will be helpful. Lastly, in case anyone is wondering, no the movies are not listed in any particular order.
Two Hats was on my list of "must-see" at this year's SAICFF, and I wasn't disappointed! I bought the DVD right after the showing and watched it with the rest of the family the next week. This is a film that is challening, encouraging and highly recommended! It also won the Jubilee Award for "Best Great Commission" film!
In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells left the comfort and familiarity of their home in Boise, Idaho and moved their family to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea. Today, they continue to serve as missionaries along with their seven children and lead an inspiring life, captured by this documentary film.
Follow Brad, Deborah and their 7 children through both setbacks and accomplishments as they share God’s Word, raise a family, and establish the country’s first Christian radio station.
See for yourself, by checking out the trailer below, or click here.
This beautiful 86 min documentary is available on DVD at the following websites!
Following article from WORLD press release: Moved by the major economic, political, and moral woes facing the United States, Cameron has been at work over the past couple years on a film project that chronicles his personal journey to historic sites across Europe and the United States, where he sought to discover the “secret recipe” that has made America the freest, richest country in history. Cameron hopes the resulting documentary, Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure, will help provide a path forward for today’s Americans.
“Now this is my project, but it’s about all of us, it’s about our kids and securing a monumental future for them,” he said. “How do we teach them the truths that will set them free internally and externally for the world that they live in and secure their future?”
Monumental tells the story of men and women who risked all for liberty, including the travails of the Pilgrims, and shares stories of faith that helped shape education, government, and civic life in the United States. The film also features interviews by Cameron of current-day political and faith leaders, including Christian author Os Guinness, Senate Chaplain Barry Black, David Barton of WallBuilders, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), and Marshall Foster of the Mayflower Institute.
To add to the film’s educational value, Cameron plans to release supplementary study materials for families, churches, and schools.
Monumental will premiere March 27 at 7:30 p.m. EDT (8 p.m. tape delayed on the West Coast) at approximately 500 movie theaters across the country as part of a live, simulcast event organized by NCM/Fathom Events. The 130-minute program, hosted by Cameron, will include interviews with media, faith, and political figures; live music; and a screening of the 90-minute film. The documentary will have a limited theatrical release beginning March 30.
"Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or a virtual prison?" Producer and co-director, Phillip Telfer, asks this and other pertinent questions in the new documentary "Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture."
Everyone would agree that we live in a media-saturated society, but how many consider the possibility that they have become captives? People of all ages are being held hostage by television, video games, social networks, movies, texting, tweeting, and more. They have become infatuated with the things of the world and distracted from God, from eternity, and from deeper relationships with each other.
This feature-length documentary is not anti-media or anti-technology, but raises concerns about the unchecked enthusiasm regarding media, and highlights the overwhelming evidence of growing problems on multiple fronts. It addresses the potential physical, moral, spiritual, mental, and emotional impact of today's media and technology when consumed or used without discretion.
This film has an outstanding lineup of interviews featuring Ray Comfort, Bob Waliszewski, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Jeff Myers, Kerby Anderson, Kevin Swanson, Dr. David Walsh, Al Menconi, Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Dick Rolfe, Phil Chalmers, Professor Mark Bauerlein, Maggie Jackson, and more.
What really makes this movie extraordinary is the personal stories of everyday people who have found freedom from their former bondage to media and technology. Nick, an auto mechanic, shares about his former addiction to NASCAR and NFL. Corey, a young skateboarder, talks about his experience of going on a media fast. Neysa candidly admits her struggle with Farmville on Facebook, and several other stories bring this down to earth for the average viewer.
This documentary is a production of the non-profit organization Media Talk 101, founded by Phillip Telfer. Phillip wrote, produced, and co-directed the documentary with the help of award winning director, Colin Gunn.
For more information about "Captivated" to view the trailer or order the DVD visit
Media interested in an interview with Phillip Telfer or interested in receiving a screener copy for review can contact Phillip directly at 815-275-1700 or - - - - - - Source Article
Announcing the release of official trailer for the documentary project I have been working on, Captivated. The reponses from the test screenings have been overwhelmingly positive! Check out the trailer below and the new website! Oh, and if you like what you see, you can also pre-order.
"Everywhere we go we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or a virtual prison? Should we be celebrating unreservedly or should we be cautious and skeptical? Is it the greatest leap in productivity or the biggest setback from the things most meaningful in life?
Has today's connectivity drawn us closer to one another or strangely more disjointed? Is our social experience richer and deeper or more shallow and artificial? Is it all of these things or none of them?
Discover insightful answers to these questions from media experts, church leaders, and inspiring individuals and families from across the country.Most importantly you'll discover how God's word addresses the unique media challenges we face today."
I posted the trailer for this movie a while back, and I'm here to tell you that it is now out on DVD! I haven't seen it yet, but I hope to soon!
If you’re not ready to take a hard look at the true state of public education, you will want to avoid this unflinching and highly controversial documentary. And, if you think you already know all that’s necessary about education in America, think again. That would be a mistake!
Travel with Colin as he asks:
Who established the American public school system?
Are my kids physically and morally safe in the schools?
Are the public schools religiously neutral?
Should Christians try to be “salt and light” in public schools?
Can the public school system be fixed or redeemed?
Featuring interviews with whistleblower teachers, administrators, students, parents, and others, this film is part documentary, part testimonial, and completely captivating. Hear from Samuel Blumenfeld, Col. John Eidsmoe, John Taylor Gatto, Ken Ham, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Doug Phillips, Howard Phillips, Bruce Shortt, R.C. Sproul, Jr., Kevin Swanson, and many more. Be encouraged by what God’s Word says about the discipleship and training of the next generation.
Rhett shares his story about going on a media fast and the changes it brought about in his life. Rhett is one of several stories to be featured in the upcoming documentary "Captivated" being produced by Phillip Telfer and directed by Colin Gunn.
For the past month and a half I have been traveling around the country with Colin Gunn (Gunn Productions) and Phillip Telfer (Media Talk 101) working on their upcoming documentary, "Captivated." -
Here are a few still images from some of the footage we have captured for the documentary! There isn't a trailer out yet, so this will have to tide you over ;)
I am currently traveling around the country with Colin Gunn (Gunn Productions) and Phillip Telfer (Media Talk 101) working on their upcoming documentary, "Captivated."
Have you found yourself wandering in the digital wilderness and wondering if there's something more to life? Are you empathetic towards those around you who are struggling to break free?
Are you concerned about those who are numb and unaware that they are exchanging a truly satisfied life for vicarious living offered conveniently through today's entertainments?
Join author and speaker Phillip Telfer on a quest to find help for a media CAPTIVATED culture in this engaging and eye-opening documentary directed by Colin Gunn. Follow them as they expose this ongoing electronic love affair and its consequences. Discover why many people are starting to ask questions about electronic media and their growing concerns about the implications. Hear from media experts, church leaders, and former captives who have been set free.