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Entries in Writing (14)


Celtx 2.7

"Celtx has all the tools you'll need to write and plan your projects."

Click here to download the update.


NEW! Celtx 2.5

"Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production system. It replaces 'paper & binder' pre-production with a digital approach that's more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share."

New Features include:
- Revision Mode: can be used to lock scene numbers while editing a script. You can also track changes using color coded edits.
- Text Lock: will lock the script so that the text cannot be edited
- Sketch: lets you add your own drawings to a Project.
- Collaboration Chat (Studio Users)
- TypeSet - Spacing Options

You can read all about the new features here! If you don't have Celtx, then download it! It's a great FREE script writing program.


Caring about Characters

One of the blogs I keep up with is The Movie People. Recently I came across some good counsel about creating characters the crowds can care about. Just for the record, I don't condone, nor have I seen the horror films discussed in this article.

"Even anti-heros give you a reason to care about them and wanting them to live. Without that, the audience is just spinning its wheels waiting for the next big action scene. The writer has to know how to engage the audience with not just what the hero wants, but why they want it, why it’s so important and why there won’t be any other time to get it. Once the hero accepts this, he commits to this, there is no turning back. Now, with The Final Destination there is no reason for the hero to live and admittedly, he is going to die sometime, right? So without a reason for us to want him to live, there is no investment on our part to care if he survives. With SAW IV, I had an investment because the female cop, well, I liked her. I wanted her to live and knowing she was on the chopping block brought suspense to the film. Would she figure out the killer before being killed? That is suspense. So, if you want to engage people like myself that don’t normally enjoy horror films for the gore and torture, remember to have a solid back story that involves a hero that we can identify with and a goal that we can appreciate." -By Quito Washington

You can read the full blog post here.


Camping BTS #1

This is the beginning of the BTS for the Camping 2007 video. I know y'all claimed "uninterest" in most of the BTS sections...nevertheless, I am going to post them in a somewhat video production chronological order. However, I will give more info on the "interested" sections. :)


The Idea
After doing a camping video last year, I knew I wanted to do one again this year, but of course I didn’t want it to be the same. The idea of “Camping tips” came to me right before we left, so me and my brother Caleb worked on the script on the way down to the camp spot. Some of my other siblings could hear us laughing and thought we were having WAY too much fun in the back seat (which we were)!!

The Narration
The narration script was written the day I taped it. :P I scribbled it out on a piece of paper and then read off a line to Benjamin and we would tape that section, and so on. I guess it turned out alright.

BTS pics can be seen from my old post.

You can watch the video and outtakes on my website.

[VIDEO AND ACTING] coming next....

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