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Is thinking "outside the box" cliche?

"Thinking outside the box is so passé. I like to think outside the sphere or outside the pyramid."

"I don’t mention it just to bask in how stupid intelligent people can be. The “outside-the-pyramid” idea serves as a vivid example of a goofy phenomenon in our culture. Instead of pursuing beauty or truth or any notion at all of what defines good art for him, he’s trying to be original by redefining the box that he’s “outside of.”"

This is a good article by Jonathan Camenisch - click here to read it.

Reader Comments (1)

Came across this comment by accident - the nature of the Net?

I use thinking outside the pyramid in an entirely different way. Over the years I have noted a different organizational model evolving. It is quite different to the traditional pyramid. It has a different shape and works very differently. It has a different feeling for those involved too.

Briefly, since I have worked on this for quite a while, the shape is a geodesic sphere - an individual exits as a node - they are at the centre of the organization as they view it. They connect to those nearest to them (but they connect etc etc)

Information can travel along the connections in many ways - it is not a hierarchy like the pyramid so thinking outside the pyramid has a very different meaning to me.

I can explain more if needed but that is the basic idea.

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeoff

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