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SAICFF updates

There is now a place on the SAICFF homepage to sign up for email updates and announcements!

Reader Comments (4)

Do you know if SAICFF allows animated films? Because I just finished my first animated short and eventually I would like to enter a longer one in the festival if they allow it.

Also, I know that a lot of things are the same in animation and films. And since you seem to know a lot about cinematography (if that's the right term) would you mind critiquing my short for what you know about? I'm not fishing for a compliment I just want to learn how I can improve.
Here's the link if you have time:

btw, I'm Matt Smith from Western Hills.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

They do allow animated films, the time limit this time is 5-15 minutes and the deadline is Oct. 1st.

Sure, I'll look at it and try to give you some useful comments, they say I can tear anything up :P It will be a couple of days though before I can get to it, I hope that is ok.

I figured out who you were the other day from a comment you left. Good to hear from you!! :)

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn-Clay

October 1st? Good, I have a whole year.

Yep, that's what I need, someone to tear it up. :-) Just get to it whenever you have time. No need to rush to it.
Thanks a million!

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

I tried to check your video but it said it couldn't be found? Possibly you took it down?

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn-Clay

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