Jelly Telly BIG NEWS!
I've blogged about Phil Vischer's Story and the Creation of Jelly Telly, but now there is more news that I found to be quite'll understand why in a minute...
Phil Vischer
1) "First, we have a new partner for JellyTelly. That partner is Focus on the Family, the giant Christian ministry that sort of started the whole Christian kids media movement with projects like McGee & Me and Adventures in Odyssey. They believe JellyTelly is a wonderful way to serve families in our web-savvy age."
2) "Second big news - we're also launching the most ambitious educational project I've ever been involved in....We have begun production on a 13-DVD series starring all the characters from JellyTelly that will walk kids all the way through the Bible - from Genesis to Revelation - and explain our faith and what it means to live it. The project is called "What's in the Bible?" and we will bring it to market with Tyndale House Publishers, the folks that brought us the Living Bible, as well as all those early Focus on the Family videos like McGee & Me and Last Chance Detectives."
This last paragraph here is really what I'm excited about! A dvd series that hopefully doesn't just entertain but teaches children what is IN the Bible and how it relates to current events and our life. I have high hopes for this new project:
"I am monstrously excited about this project, because we're attempting to do something no one has really done before. We taught a lot of Bible stories over the years with VeggieTales, but we never really taught the Bible. I mean, the whole thing. Where did it come from? What does it mean? How does it affect our lives? And that's what we're going to do with "What's in the Bible?" - hosted by Buck Denver and friends, as well as, ahem, yours truly. (Yes, I'm going to be in it, too. It seemed like at certain points we need a real person talking about God.)"
Read Phil's full blog post here. If you don't click on any of the other "Read More" links in this article, I highly recommend this one! It will give you a better overview and details of this new project.
Christian Retailing reports:
"The 13-part "What's in the Bible?" set is due to launch in March 2010 with the release of the first two volumes, tentatively titled In the Beginning and Let My People Go!
Characters in the new series will be from Jelly Telly, the faith-based Internet program Vischer created through his Jellyfish Labs, in partnership with Focus on the Family, though the DVD content will be exclusive.
"We're excited to team up," said Katara Patton, Tyndale's acquisitions director for children and youth. "Tyndale's foundation is built on making the Word of God applicable and understandable to children. This new DVD series is a wonderful way to bring the Bible to life and to help kids know God and His Word.""
Full article here.
"“Looking back, it almost feels like the simple lessons of VeggieTales were the appetizer, and we’re ready now for the main course!” declared Vischer.
Content in the “What’s in the Bible?” series will be exclusive to the DVDs, but the characters will also appear on, Vischer’s faith-based daily Internet program in partnership with Focus on the Family."
You can also visit the JELLY TELLY WEBSITE.
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