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Michael Landon Jr.

"Creating wholesome entertainment in Hollywood isn't always easy. Neither is following in the footsteps of one of the most beloved, recognizable father figures in TV history. But that's just what director Michael Landon Jr. has done, crafting a career out of telling stories that parents can feel good about watching with their kids—like the new family-friendly movie The Velveteen Rabbit" ~Guideposts article

Someone sent me a link to this article from Guideposts and I must say that if you are interested in Christian Film this article about a Christian director is worth reading.

"Like his father, Landon has had success producing wholesome entertainment—much of it set in bygone eras—including Jeannette Oak's Love Comes Softly TV-movies for the Hallmark Channel. "

Michael Landon Jr. has a heart for God, a heart for his family and reaching other families with clean films. In this article he gives his life testimony and the reasons for making the kind of films that he does. Read the article here.

Reader Comments (2)

That's neat!! I've seen and liked some of the movie's he's made like the Love Comes Softly series, and Saving Sarah Cain. Be interesting to check out what this new one "The Velveteen Rabbit" is about. Thanks for posting this JC! Miss ya. (especially your help w/dishes!!lol)jk

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRuth

LOL!! We had some fun times doin' those dishes :)

March 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn-Clay

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