ReelCast Projects
Reaching for CharacterThis is a one hour training video that I've been working on called "Reaching for Character." It is designed to introduce organizations to the basics and benefits of CharacterFirst! - Visit the website here.
Pendragon TrailerPendragon: Sword of His Father has a new "official trailer" in the works! I've finished a first draft of the trailer which the Burns Family Studio team seemed very happy with! There is still a lot of work to do...but stay tuned, it should be online in several weeks!
The Widow's MightI just finished a 60 sec Teaser Spot for The Widow's Might! It's hard to fit a storyline into 60sec...much less when it's a musical/comedy!! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out though. John said it should be posted online within the next several days. Next...a real length trailer!
2008 Character First Awards
I did a project last year of producing 6 videos that were 3 minutes each. Each video highlighted a company that was being recognized by CharacterFirst! for their implementation of CF. You can see all six videos at the bottom of this page.
Reader Comments (2)
Looks like your keeping busy! Haven't loaded any of the teasers or trailers yet. Still haven't gotten different net and you know what ours is like!;)
Haha! Thanks for letting us be an "insider" and see that trailer. :) It is so good, it made me want to watch it again.