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Creed Of Gold

SYNOPSIS: "In 1917, a secret group financed the Bolshevik Revolution; while this group did not break any laws, were their actions ethically right?  Creed of Gold follows three college students as they investigate this shadowy group of individuals. For centuries, this group has manipulated finances around the world and is now using the Federal Reserve to undermine the U.S. economic situation.

When, unbeknownst to the others, one man gets greedy and creates a computer program in the Federal Reserve accounting program to siphon money into his own pocket, the race is on.  An immigrant from Russia, Adam relates the ideas of the Bolshevik revolution to modern day America. Cody, Adam’s brilliant but humorous side-kick, helps bring the message of the film home by sometimes just stating the obvious. And Kirsten allows us to empathize with the trio as we follow her personal journey from high-society to heartfelt faith."

They are filming on the Canon 5D.

And they have some sweet locations!

Cool characters.

...and some bad characters.

For more info on the film and to stay up-to-date, visit the movie website:

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