"The Penny" Website and Trailer!
Filmweavers first feature film The Penny now has a website and trailer!
I've been able to help with this film in a couple areas: 1) I was the 1st AC (the guy who pulls focus) on this project back in Dec of 2008, 2) I edited together the trailer for the film!
Last but not least, the film will be showing/competing at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival this year!
"“The Penny” is a drama/thriller that follows a series of seemingly insignificant events in a number of people’s lives. Hidden amidst their “bigger” problems, these disconnected pieces of their lives go unnoticed until they begin to fit together in a totally unexpected way. Suddenly these strangers are thrust together by what some would call luck, chance, fate, coincidence, or even destiny. But is it something even bigger than that?"
WEBSITE: www.thepennyfilm.com
Page on FACEBOOK: Click Here
Reader Comments (1)
Wow! Looks very good. Excellent trailer. I'll look forward to watching it someday.