Movie Monday - THE PRINTING
When Christian principles become socially unacceptable and society moves to repress them, what will the Christians do? Witness the Soviet Union—before glasnost. Fear of the KGB pervades society. Christian faith is stifled wherever it is discovered.
Most believers cling to a hollow shell of Christianity tolerated in "registered" churches. However, some believers opt to remain "unregistered," worshipping God openly and accepting the consequences. A brave few dare to print Bibles—right under the noses of the KGB. This story is about them.
Movie Rating: Not Rated
Content Review: Click Here
Movie Trailer: N/A
Movie Website: Click Here
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Movie Resources > Family Friendly Feature Films
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the films listed may be too intense or contain other content that would not be appropriate for younger ages. I am also aware that everyone has unique standards and guidlines for their own families. Please take the time to examine these films and I hope the "Content Review" links will be helpful. Lastly, in case anyone is wondering, no the movies are not listed in any particular order.
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