Alone Yet Not Alone - SAICFF World Premiere
SAICFF has announced that they will have the exciting privilege of hosting the world premiere of the major motion picture Alone, Yet Not Alone. This feature film tells the true story of the faith and courage of the Leiningers, a family of early-America settlers whose lives are forever changed after an Indian raid.
Be the first to watch this thrilling film when you attend the 2012 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival! - See more images here!
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Info Source

I did some checking on this and from what I understand, they (SAICFF) had been planning to show the film but due to post-production difficulties those plans have been canceled.
"I have not heard a firm date for the premiere or release of ALONE YET NOT ALONE. I wish it were screening at SAICFF, but again, I don't know the final plans." -George Escobar
This has not been verified by the film's producers or the Vision Forum Festival, but since SAICFF has not done any further promo about it after their original announcement in September, it seems doubtful that it will be shown. - If I do receive confirmation either way, I'll be sure to let everyone know!
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for this information. However, you're showing 2012 on both your Alone Yet Not Alone articles. That's not possible. The year shown should be 2013.
(edited by moderator)
Actually it was scheduled to show at the 2012 originally, it was changed to 2013.