SAICFF 2013 - $250,000
SAICFF Announces $250,000 Opportunity for Winner of Short Film Jubilee Award, and Deadline Extension!
The San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF) is pleased to announce that the winner of the Best Dramatic Short Film Jubilee Award, bestowed during their annual Jubilee Awards Ceremony, will now receive an added benefit — the opportunity to contract with EchoLight Studios to produce a feature-length film with a budget up to $250,000. This opportunity is being made possible, thanks to EchoLight Studios’ decision to sponsor the SAICFF’s Short Film Award.
In light of this development, the SAICFF has officially extended the deadline for all film submissions for the 2013 Film Festival to October 31 (the feature film deadline remains November 15th). Next year’s festival will be held on February 7-9, 2013 at the Gonzalez Convention in San Antonio, Texas, culminating with the Jubilee Awards Ceremony to be hosted the evening of February 9.
“We are thrilled by EchoLight Studios’ sponsorship of our Best Short Film Award,” noted Doug Phillips, founder of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.
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