"Awakened" - The Documentary
Another project that I have been heavily involved with this year is the upcoming feature length documentary, Awakened! Even though the intended audience is young ladies ages 11-16, I believe this film has a timely and relevant message for everyone!
Filming is almost done, and editing and other post productions is under way.
"In today’s culture young girls are besieged with distorted views of love from movie theaters, laptops and even Christian bookstores. We are easily awakened to impassioned desires during the most potentially fruitful years of our lives.
Is it normal to be mentally engulfed in a saga of boys, crushes, and romantic daydreams that are presented as being inseparable from young adulthood? How do we handle infatuations, and God-given longings for marriage?
The world beckons us to follow our hearts; God commands us to guard them, but how?
Awakened follows the joy seen by generations of women who are disciplining their hearts and minds and the steadfast men who lead and encourage them to enjoy the intimacy Christ wishes for every young lady."
Interviews include:
- Mally Family
- Kathleen & Rebekah Bueche
- Dr. Jobe Martin Family
- Nathan Clark George
- Phillip Telfer & daughter Elizabeth
- Kevin Swanson & daughter Emily
- Scott Brown
- Ray Comfort
- Eric and Leslie Ludy
- Heather Patenaude
...and many more!!
Check out the website for more info and pictures! - www.AwakenedTheMovie.com
Facebook Page - Facebook.com/AwakenedTheMovie
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