Communist America Part 2
Here is the 2nd half of the Biblical worldview resources! If you missed the first blog post you can read it here.
by Paul WasherThis is also known as the "Shocking Youth Message!" It says "youth message" but if you haven't seen this video, it doesn't matter how old you are, this is a 50min video that in my opinion should be on the "required" list for everyone who claims the name of Christ.
It isn't entertaining, it isn't funny, it doesn't make you "feel good," instead it challenges you to the very core! Click Here and be challenged!
Because There Is a Crisis In Worldview TrainingThis is the event that really got me thinking about cultural worldviews and how they relate to Christianity. It was a FREE 3hr Sunday evening rally and the speakers were Brannon Howse and Mark Cahill. They are holding these events all over the nation, you can click here to found out more information and see a listing of cities they will be coming to. I can't recommend this event enough, I dare say that if you attend you won't see current national and international events the same.
I know, this can all sound like conspiracy theory stuff that will "be exposed." It isn't. This is a conference where they discuss real world events, who is leading the way and what their worldview is...and how that worldview will effect us as Christians!
Where the Christian Life Becomes Real!"The initial objective and ultimate goal of the Christian life is to discover what is truly in your heart and what is the genuine heart of God. This 10-day journey will help you learn how to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength."
I attended the Journey to the Heart this past July, and it is an experience that is convicting and really hard to describe. Many of the young men said, "This is the best thing that I've done since I got saved!" I have to agree. It is not a program, it is not a retreat, it is not a "revival meeting." I call it a ministry. The goal is for you to examine your heart before God and also spend time praying and reach the heart of God. It is a week away from distractions, interruptions, and the noisy fast-pace of the world.
I know there are some people who disagree with Mr. Gothard and the IBLP ministry, but listen to me, this is not a "Mr. Gothard Seminar" (I kinda thought it would be) This is about you getting real with God. If you are looking to really deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ, I highly highly recommend Journey to the Heart!
Click Here for more information. If you would like to see pictures from the Journey's and to read testimonies from the attendees, click here.