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Entries in the Secrets of Jonathan Sperry (3)


The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry DVD - PRE-ORDER


Best buddies Dustin (Jansen Panettiere), Albert and Mark are twelve year old boys looking forward to a summer of fun in 1970. When Dustin mows the lawn of seventy-five year old Jonathan Sperry (Gavin MacLeod), a man he has seen at church, a unique friendship develops. What happens the rest of this summer is something Dustin and his friends will never forget!

Orignally released in theaters, an inspriing film for all ages. (96 min)

Bonus Features Include:

- 40 min Making of Documentary
- Rich Christiano/Gavin MacLeod Commentary
- Spanish version
- Feature: "Houses of Jonathan Sperry"
- Interview with Composer Jasper Randall
- Special message from Director Rich Christiano

The DVD is now available for pre-order!

To learn more about the making of the film, you can read an interview with director Rich Christiano here.


The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry

"What he teaches them... will last forever."
A Rich Christiano Film


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Is it good?...yes and no. I really liked the film's message and think this is Christiano's best movie so far. However, the catch is that the 12yr old main character is madly in love with the young girl in the movie. Being in love isn't the problem, it's just that he's so young to be THAT involved with it. I think a few of the "I'm lovesick" scenes could have been cut, they get a bit redundant.

So, if you can get past that awkward part of the storyline then the rest of it is fantastic :) On the outside it seems to be a children movie but one of the main messages of the film is to challenge older people to consider the impact they can still have on the lives of others.


The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry

The new film coming out by Rich Christiano.

Check the website or read about the shoot.