Kendrick Brothers - New Movie!
"After months of prayer, we believe the Lord has given us clear direction concerning the plot for our next movie. Even as Fireproof focused on marriage and Courageous highlighted fatherhood, this next movie will unpack another pivotal issue. We have been inspired with the storyline and are excited to cast and shoot this movie. Lots of emotion. Lots of humor. Lots of truth.
Our current plan is to complete the script this year, shoot and edit in 2014, and then promote and release the movie in 2015. As we continue to develop the story, we are asking for prayer. The script has to be solid and on target. The Lord has clearly carried us in the past, and we recognize our desperate need for His guidance and grace now. Please pray for His inspiration, creativity, and discernment as we develop the characters and craft the scenes. Pray for His blessing, favor, protection, and power to be on this project from beginning to end. And ask Him to strategically use this movie to transform countless lives, restore broken families, and greatly impact the nations for His glory. Thank you in advance!"
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