Trailing Pilgrim's Progress
There is a "low-budget" movie being made of Pilgrim's Progress and they have a new trailer out.
There is a "low-budget" movie being made of Pilgrim's Progress and they have a new trailer out.
"The Return of the Daughters" soundtrack is now for sale as a download.
Is it possible?!!!?? Could Al Gore be wrong!!?!??
Evidence has now been found to show that Global Warming ISN'T caused by humans...I know, shocking isn't it ;)
So what IS it caused by? Find out here.
So, first we shouldn't spank children (according to Dr. Spock), and what, now it is ok again??
Apparently the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has come out with news that, "Spanking is, at times, necessary with young children, because reasoning and explanation are insufficient in persuading them to have good behavior."
You can read the whole article here.
I find it humorous how slow the "educated minds" can be sometimes. If only people would follow the Bible more.....LIGHTBULB *ding! ;)
DJTV has a new "Cutting Class" episode up today. Watch it here.
Ok, I am just curious what you all think about Christmas and I have some articles and information that I am going to be talking about based on the poll results I get. :)
I want each person to just be honest and candid in their answers, there is nothing strikingly right or wrong in an answer.
AND TAKE NOTE!!!! This is a multiple choice poll. You can choose as many answers as you like. Please vote!!
Well, I'm back! It was a wonderful trip to the Indianapolis conference. We got to hear lots of good speakers, and we had a great time fellowshipping with other Christians!! Pictures will be coming in the next several days.
Coming back was quite the experience because of all the snow and ice on the roads. We ended up driving through AR from MO to make it back to OKC. Lots of our friends have no electricity, the trees are losing limbs, and the roads are very slick (at least they look like they are). But we are back home and I'm grateful that God allowed our family to take the trip, it was a good spiritual energy boost, and a much needed one for me ;)
If you don't see any new posts in the next couple of days it isn't cause I fell off the end of the world. I will be gone to Indianapolis for a conference till next Monday. Enjoy your reprieve from the blog :p
SO, until then...keep up with the Kendricks cause they have some good stuff coming.
NOTE: if you want to sign up to receive updates to my blog automatically, just click the button at the very bottom - Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) - and you will get an email each time I post an update. Of course if you like checking back just for the fun of it, then disregard what I just said ;)
oooorr...not :|
If you ever get fed up with "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings," this video is for you.
Stoplight: Merry Tossmas.
His other videos are also quite fun and informative. He has a great way of bringing "politically correct" topics into a CORRECT perspective. I will say that I haven't seen all of them, so I can't give a full endorsement. :) (but the ones I have seen are really good)