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First Pacific Media

The Botkins now have a company website AND a store!!!!

Read about it here and visit the website.


Programmed for language?

Where did languages come from? Did it start as monkey grunts? What do deaf people have to do with all this?

Find out by listening to this.


Wake Up!!!

Another blog post that is worth a read.

"More and more Evangelical males and females are tacitly accepting the message of the culture, that is at its heart egalitarian. This is not because egalitarian arguments are stronger. Instead, it’s because in some sense we are all egalitarians now." ~Russel Moore (from Doug's blog post)

This time from Doug


Is thinking "outside the box" cliche?

"Thinking outside the box is so passé. I like to think outside the sphere or outside the pyramid."

"I don’t mention it just to bask in how stupid intelligent people can be. The “outside-the-pyramid” idea serves as a vivid example of a goofy phenomenon in our culture. Instead of pursuing beauty or truth or any notion at all of what defines good art for him, he’s trying to be original by redefining the box that he’s “outside of.”"

This is a good article by Jonathan Camenisch - click here to read it.


Science is catching up!

From Creation Moments comes another interesting scientific "discovery."

Listen to it here.



Digital Juice - EDITOR'S TOOLKIT PRO special introductory pricing

Digital Juice has had Editor Tookits for a while, but this a brand new series. Each set includes HD and SD animations, Video overlay, swipes, Juice drops (for graphic design), lowerthrids and MORE!! Each album contains 5 sets and all the elements in each set all match!! This is an editor's ALL IN ONE BUNDLE!!!

See the whole gallery.


Christmas is Coming (a week early)

Here are some BTS pics from the latest video shoots :) I might can squeeze out a new trailer sometime soon....we shall see ;)

Also, the funny stick-thingy I have my camera on is a Glidecam 2000, the newest toy*ahem tool in my arsenal. Got it off of eBay for around $100 less than the normal price and I love it. Note: running alongside someone riding a bike will wear you out in a big hurry.


Morris Family update

Josiah - Jeremiah - Hosanna

Last year this time is when Joel's cancer treatments were was a very difficult time. As you can imagine it is still difficult this year. Mrs. Morris has recently posted on their blog about how they are doing and just life in general. I would encourage you to read the update.


Sky Angel Cowboy

Maybe you are more up to date on things and have seen this video...if you haven't yet, you should!! This is really good!! All I can say is wow - a very touching story.

"Logan listens to us (89.3 KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX) on Sky Angel because he lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. He called us distraught because he had to take down a calf. His words have wisdom beyond his years. Listen to what Logan had to say…"

IF the video doesn't play click the link here.

This is not an endorsement of the 89.3 radio station.


God's Amazing Hand

The Kendricks have a really neat story on their blog today :) God is so amazing!!