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Entries in Aaron Burns (4)


Beyond the Mask - Alex & Steven Kendrick

[Recently] we shared some great fellowship with Stephen and Alex Kendrick (the Producer & Director of Fireproof and Courageous) down in Albany, Georgia.

Stephen and his wife Jill welcomed us into their home; in addition to sharing their film-making experience, they poured love and grace into us personally, encouraging us in our marriages and our walk with the Lord.

The meeting revolved around the script, which we spent most of our time reading and brainstorming. Stephen and Alex love the Lord, love to have fun, and love to work hard. At one point, Alex jumped up and said, “Ok, here’s how I’d direct this scene…” and then proceeded to lay on the floor, illustrating how the hero would wake up after being knocked out in a bomb-blast. read the full article, click here!


REVIEW: "Pendragon: Journey Behind the Scenes"

It is popular these days for the DVD of a movie to include at least one BTS (Behind the Scenes) documentary. However, it is very rare, especially in Christian filmmaking, to release a BTS book to go along with a film. Well, Burns Family Studios has done just that, and the book is incredible!

"Pendragon: Journey Behind the Scenes" is a 100-page book that takes you on an adventure to explore the making of this epic Christian film. Exclusive stories from the cast, inspiring interviews with the crew, and hundreds of newly released pictures have been carefully woven together to present an experience that will leave you feeling like you have been on the set and a part of the team! One of my favorite parts is the “Pendragon Fun Fact” sections sprinkled throughout the book.

How did you get so many people to help with the movie? Were you ever worried that you wouldn’t be able to finish? Where did you find the locations? Which sets did you build? How were the costumes made? Who made the swords and weapons? What was it like to be an extra on set? Why does Nick play the bad guy? How did you make that much fire? Are you going to make any more movies?

The answers to these questions are full of humor, scary accidents, friendship, innovation, and, of course, God’s provision. It is a lot of fun to read stories of the creativity and resourcefulness that were required to shoot an epic film on a shoe-string budget.

Topics Covered:
-Interviews with actors: Aaron, Marilyn, and Nick.
-Building the fort, creating the market, filming the opening night attack, details on the Sword Dance scene, and fun during the funeral scene.
-In-depth interviews with the costume, makeup, and weapon departments. (These are really neat.)
-Interviews with extras and also with the director.
-Building the team, writing the music, working with horses, running a camera (Yours Truly was interviewed for this section), creating visual effects, and supervising the sound design.

This is an inspiring story of what God did through two ordinary families who were willing to take a step of faith and follow His guidance. You will be encouraged and in awe of our amazing God!

Click Here to visit the Pendragon Store.



Pendragon UPDATE

"Pendragon has garnered media attention all across America. It’s for sale in most U.S. Christian books store, and will be selling in Australia and South Africa this Christmas as well!

It has been so encouraging to talk to talk to people who have been inspired by Pendragon. Comments like “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all that you are doing to make uplifting Christian films” or “The Lord used [Pendragon] to help me realize my need to stand up as a man of God, and to see His plan in my life” make the struggles and trials of last year all seem so worth it!"

Visit the Pendragon Movie Blog to read the full article!


Pendragon Interview

I haven't posted an update on the Pendragon project in quite some time. If you've followed my blog for very long, then you've heard of this fine family film but if you are new here be sure to check out the Pendragon movie website!

A new interview with Aaron Burns (Artos Pendragon) has been posted online. They asked a lot of fun questions such as:
- "In your own words, what it was like to work on Pendragon."
- "What resources have you found most helpful in learning how to make films and how to do it right?"
"Could you tell us about some specific prayer requests that the Lord answered during the production of this film?"
- "What would you tell someone that is interested in making movies?"

Aaron Burns (excerpt)
"[Pendragon] almost started out as something we could do together as a family, and from that it grew. We were planning on being done in two years, writing the script one year, filming the next year, but just different things happened. Last December [2007] we saw the footage we had captured and we just prayed about it and felt that the Lord would want us to try to shoot for one more summer. So a total of four years, about fourteen weeks of shooting the entire project. And then we did the post production in about six or seven weeks."

You can read it here on