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Entries in Festival Awards (19)


"Two Hats" Documentary

Two Hats was on my list of "must-see" at this year's SAICFF, and I wasn't disappointed! I bought the DVD right after the showing and watched it with the rest of the family the next week. This is a film that is challening, encouraging and highly recommended! It also won the Jubilee Award for "Best Great Commission" film!


In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells left the comfort and familiarity of their home in Boise, Idaho and moved their family to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea. Today, they continue to serve as missionaries along with their seven children and lead an inspiring life, captured by this documentary film.

Follow Brad, Deborah and their 7 children through both setbacks and accomplishments as they share God’s Word, raise a family, and establish the country’s first Christian radio station.

See for yourself, by checking out the trailer below, or click here.

This beautiful 86 min documentary is available on DVD at the following websites!

Movie Website:

Studio Website:

Two Hats on Facebook: Click Here


"Captivated" SAICFF 2012

Captivated wins Runner Up for "Best Documentary" and Finalist for "Best of Festival" at the 2012 SAICFF!! This is a feature length documentary that I worked on last year.


San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF)

I know, I know, this blog post is WAY over due. Better late than never though right? In case you missed it, you can read my review of the Filmmakers Academy here.

This year the Festival was divided between two locations.

Each feature film along with the special evening events were held at the large Municipal Auditorium.

All the other films were screened between several rooms at the usual Henry B Gonzales Center. (feature films were also shown here)


THURSDAY NIGHT they had a couple special things for opening night!

First, there was a thought provoking lecture by Geoff Botkin analyzing the "family-friendly" film, Finding Nemo.

Secondly, was the screening of the new short (50min) film Divided. This well produced documentary effectively addresses the highly controversial issue of age-segregated Sunday School and Youth Groups. - Movie Website


FRIDAY NIGHT they screened a rough cut version of the highly anticipated feature film Ace Wonder! Needless to say that even incomplete, this film went over very well with the audience! - Movie Website


After an exhilarating three days of scheduling/scribbling in the Festival book, watching films, talking to friends, re-scheduling...more scribbling, watching films, and staying up late..talking even more, the Closing Ceremonies FINALLY came!!

Best of Festival Jubilee Award — with its $101,000 cash prize — went to: Agenda: Grinding America Down, a documentary that traces the alive-and-well socialist agenda, from its roots established by Karl Marx and other radical revolutionaries to the present day, demonstrating how Communist ideals have largely captured America and uprooted the once-great foundation of our nation. Available on DVD.

This documentary is practically a "MUST-SEE" for every American. This is not a movie about wacky people and their cooky conspiracy theories, this uses REAL facts and REAL documents to make a point that is needed, but not often heeded. HIGHLY recommended!


Best Feature Film Award went to": The Penny, a drama/thriller directed and produced by Nathan Webster of Filmweavers. The 88-minute film follows a series of disconnected strangers whose lives unexpectedly collide in what proves to be more than just a "coincidence." Available on BlueBehemoth and also DVD.

If you like mind bending creative storytelling, this is a movie for you. Course I'm a bit bias because I helped shoot the movie :) - Regardless of that little fact, it should be noted that this film was an instant favorite at the festival (and with my family) for it's high production value, intriguing storyline, and good acting. Highly Recommended!!


Audience Choice Award went to: The Runner from Ravenshead, a delightful film from Little Crew Studios that features an all-child cast played by the Seege children, ages 3 to 11. Their father, Joel Seege wrote, directed, and produced the film. The Runner from Ravenshead also got the runner-up nod in two other award categories: ‘Best of Festival’ and ‘Best Feature’. Available on DVD.

This was by far one of our favorite films from the festival, and it has quickly become a favorite with friends as well!! We describe it as "Little Rascals / Pilgrim's Progress / Indiana Jones." With a well crafted script full of comedy and drama, brilliant acting, incredibly cute kids, and a majestic musical score...this is one movie you DON'T WANT TO MISS!

~Burnett Family

Best Documentary Award went to: George Washington Carver: An Uncommon Way. The film, narrated by Dr. Voddie Baucham, was directed and produced by Ken Carpenter of Franklin Springs Family Media. This marks Carpenter’s third ‘Best Documentary’ Jubilee Award. Available on DVD.

Best Dramatic Short Award went to: The Mitt, a ten-minute film produced and directed by 19-year-old Sam Siske of Goodlettsville, Tennessee. - Available on BlueBehemoth

Young Filmmaker’s’ Award went to: Small Talents, a humorous fourteen-minute film based on the Parable of the Talents and challenges viewers to decide for themselves how they will dedicate their talents to God. Available on BlueBehemoth.

- You can read the full "Festival Award Press Release" here -

Vision Forum also has a "Festival Winners DVD Set" available for purchase - here.


San Antonio Independent Christian Film Academy (SAICFA)

Wow, what an incredibly encouraging week! I've attended every SAICFA-Festival event since 2005 and I've enjoyed it every time! Just a quick note here for those unfamiliar with all can register for the Academy and Festival seperately if you wish to attend only one event but they have always been held during the same week so it just kinda makes sense to go to both. (Academy is held the first half of the week, and the Festival is held the last half)

Highlights for me at this years Academy were the lectures by Kirk Cameron "Acting" - Steven Kendrick "Directing Actors" and "Behind the Scenes of Courageous" - Geoff Botkin "Story Structure" - Isaac Botkin "Christopher Nolan vs. Steven Speilberg" -  Doug Phillips "Radioactive" where he critiques Food, Inc., Avatar, The Cove, 2012, the Al Gore documentary, and more.

"[the Academy] included messages on Epistemology for Filmmakers, comparison of the acting styles of Marlon Brando with Jimmy Stewart, an amazing Christ-exalting dialogue with Kirk Cameron that ranks as one of the most inspirational messages in the history of any Vision Forum event, discussions on managing sets, unions, and a rousing, hilarious and very practical session on screen tests and acting."

-Doug Phillips





"Stephen took us on a first look at his latest film “Courageous,” but the substance was a no-holds bar homage to absolute duty of the Christian filmmaker to make hard choices that honor Christ, and the blessings which come from it...The maturity and excellence of the story-line, production values, acting and structure of “Courageous” was so significant, that those of us who had the privilege to be present knew we were watching the birth of something that promises to make headline news as it blazes across the nation blessing millions and changing lives for Christ."

-Doug Phillips

At the 2010 Christian Filmmaker's Academy, Stephen Kendrick (the Producer of "Flywheel", "Facing the Giants", and "Fireproof") presented a keynote message entitled " 'Courageous'-The Vision, The Story, The Lessons." Here's a snippet.

We also got to see several rough clips from their upcoming film Courageous. Let me tell's going to be REALLY good!! - Movie Website



"Geoff Botkin Wows Us With a Brilliant Discussion on Structure, Story Arc and Beats of a Well-Drafted Script."



"[Avatar] is definitely's a very personal film in the sense that when I was a high school it was the start of the environmental movement, and I made a film in high school about pollution...In the years since, trying to get documentaries funded about the environment - you can't raise any money to do that. Nobody wants to buy that stuff. So I thought if i make a big, spectacular ation science fiction film, I can embed these themes in a movie that people are going to see for other reasons. It's absolutely subversive."

-James Cameron interview on "The View", Feb. 17, 2010

"...the effectiveness of Hollywood pantheists and environmentalists to subvert culture through media, and, second, the absence of a thoughtful response in film from the Christian community because we have abandoned the dominion mandate, and failed to mount an army to take the field." Watch the clips.

I found this bag sitting on a table, and in light of the "Radioactive" lecture...I took a picture of it ;) Now don't get me wrong, I do believe it is important to take of this wonderful world God has given us, but I also believe that there is balance. Taking care of the earth shouldn't be more important than people.


Isaac Botkin gave a very interesting lecture comparing two very successful directors!

"The Art of Scoring Films," with Oscar-winning composer Bruce Broughton.

A lecture by the young men behind the new EffectsForge company.

David Cook talks about his new film Seven Days In Utopia starring Robert Duvall. Movie Website


- stay tuned for a review of this year's festival!

- - - -
Lots of pictures and video used from "Doug's Blog"


Pendragon takes home "Best of Show"

"Last week, the 2009 Indie Distribution Festival awarded prizes to one hundred and fifty of this year’s best independent pictures. Of the films recognized, Pendragon was one of five honored with a Best of Show.

“A tightly-crafted, action-filled epic set in Britain’s dark ages,” The Indie notes. “As the barbarian fleets descend on the coast, the people of Britain defend themselves and their faith. The film has stunning visuals and a powerful score.”"

If you haven't purchased the movie yet, you can do so at the Pendragon website!


The 2008 Trail Dance Festival


Praise the Lord!!



picture used from the TD website

Wow! What an event :) quite different from the Christian perspective of SAICFF. There were approx. 100-200 people in attendance for the award ceremonies and over 50% of the award recipients weren't even there...which cuts down on the excitement in the atmosphere.

This festival gives ratings (based off of MPAA criteria) for the films that it screens. Interestingly, out of 73 films screened, 27 were rated R, 31 rated PG-13, 13 rated PG and only 2 rated as G. Joel's Journey got rated as PG, probably because of the Christian theme and for the strong questioning of the medical community...I don't really know. Some of the films had reasons cited for the rating given, most common was 'Language' and 'Violence.'


5 of the documentaries were made in Oklahoma and 3 were nominated for "Best Oklahoma Documentary," the others ran in "Best Short Doc.," and "Best Feature Doc." Joel's Journey was up against...
-"Joined at the River" - PG-13 - (1hr 23 min) a film about the border between Mexico and TX (I think)
-"North of Austin, West of Nashville: Red Dirt Music" - R - (59 min) A gritty look at the home spun music genre that is Red Dirt. Produced by the Cameron University Summer Documentary Class. (from Lawton, OK)

Needless to say, based on the overall "flavor" that this festival seemed to lean toward we were very skeptical that we had much of a chance of winning at all, but dad reminded us that, "Miracles do still happen." Obviously, we were very pleasantly surprised to have Joel's Journey win its category. Miracles DO still happen!!


Here we are waiting for it all to get going!



Ropin' Cowboy



From left to right:
Anthony Foreman (Festival Director) - Daniel and Caleb Morris (Music compsers) - Yours Truly (holding the trophy) - Trail Dance Mascot (in her full costume)



All Glory goes to God!! I would also like to say thanks, to those of the Morris crew who made the 2 hr trip down, to Caleb & Daniel for the immense amount of work they put into writing the wonderful soundtrack, to the whole Morris family for standing firm on Biblical principles of life, to my family who supported and helped out with the project, to the many people who provided feedback on the movie and also thanks to Anthony Foreman for all his hard work on the Festival, for selecting Joel's Journey into the festival and for honoring us with the award!!


Special thanks to dad for being the stand-in paparazzi for us :)
We used the video mode on a still camera to capture the winning announcement...see it here! (it may take a second to load)





View the whole listings - here - they have some "interesting" films listed



Jubilee Award


The Jubilee Award



The Jubilee Award Winners
(from left to right)


Joel's Journey
John-Clay Burnett

The Monstrous Regiment of Women
Colin Gunn & his brother

A Cry from Iran
Joseph Hovsepian & his brother

Marc Mattos

Thomas Purifoy
(not pictured)





The Lila Cockrell Theater



Kevin Swanson presented the award for "Best Biblical Family"


Yours truly nervously giving a few remarks.
(me - Caleb - Daniel)


The three musketeers.



The Burnetts, Morrises, most of DCFM,
and a few other friends went to the Riverwalk to get ice cream
(Carinna - Me - Hannah)


~Pictures courtesy of Kayleen Personius~
visit the DCFM BLOG to see more pictures



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